custombase: Amphibious foe
custombase: His own domain
custombase: On a mission for Skeletor
custombase: MER-MAN
custombase: Lord of the Eternian seas
custombase: Filmation MER-MAN
custombase: Mer-Man Lord of the deep
custombase: Kuduk Ungol predecessor of Teela-na
custombase: In ages past Kuduk Ungol was the Sorceress of Grayskull
custombase: The Sorceress of Grayskull
custombase: At the end of the day
custombase: Filmation Sorceress
custombase: Teela-na
custombase: From zoar to Sorceress
custombase: Guardian of Grayskull
custombase: Filmation Zoar
custombase: Bringing out the big guns
custombase: Defending against Skeletors drones
custombase: Take aim, FIRE!
custombase: Weapons master
custombase: Built in blaster
custombase: Duncan Man-at-Arms of Eternos palace
custombase: Duncan
custombase: Nightfall in the Evergreen Forest
custombase: Man-at-Arms
custombase: Filmation Man-at-Arms
custombase: By seed and by vine Eternia is mine
custombase: Evil Seed takes root on Eternia
custombase: Over grown evil
custombase: Evil Seed