La Biondina: Slowly growing.
La Biondina: Lovely berry colours
La Biondina: Slowly getting there...
La Biondina: Can we go out and play or something?
La Biondina: Disapproving dogs
La Biondina: Assembly lining it in an attempt to make this go a little faster...
La Biondina: Berrylicious blankie-to-be
La Biondina: WIP: African flowers...
La Biondina: WIP: African flowers...
La Biondina: Another crack climb
La Biondina: Bluff Street Cracks
La Biondina: Bluff Street Cracks
La Biondina: Bluff Street Cracks
La Biondina: Petroglyphs or graffiti?
La Biondina: REALLY old graffiti!
La Biondina: Puppy nose
La Biondina: Pyrex in action!
La Biondina: Current and future must-reads
La Biondina: One of my favourite colours: Green!
La Biondina: Lemon poppyseed bread.
La Biondina: My Pyrex did me proud and baked my loaf beautifully!
La Biondina: More lemonseed poppycake/aqua Pyrex goodness :)
La Biondina: Colour coding the books on the Expedit!
La Biondina: Journal page from waaay back in the day
La Biondina: Another journal page from a long time ago
La Biondina: More early twenties ranting/creativity!
La Biondina: Early twenties ranting again
La Biondina: Journal collage
La Biondina: Journal pearl of wisdom