Maria Carlos Cardeiro: jumping legs
*F~: suddenly, by a cold distant morning
FRANcisco /: people in motion
JPPimenta: London DSC05133_F
P. Correia: The boy with the thorn in his side
*F~: night after night
Mariana B. Castro: who knows where the time goes
Mariana B. Castro: the fire within
Sabine Portela: blue veil
TheManWhoPlantedTrees: Ten meters wide
Artur Tomaz Photography: Road to Heaven
Kourni Tinoco: Sin violencia de género
Kourni Tinoco: Sin violencia de género
Wouter and Canon: As blue as blue can be
paulopar.rodrigues: blue table
paulopar.rodrigues: stairs I - escadas I-2
paulopar.rodrigues: between the lines - entrelinhas
Loyter mania: Luz e Sombra