Jan Herremans: If looks could kill
jurvetson: Rutan updating Branson on the new plastic propellant in SpaceShipTwo
AMISOM Public Information: 2014_11_03_Child_Protection_Workshop_held_at_Former_Somali_National_University-5
IAEA Imagebank: Heinz Fischer (01910542)
MONUSCO: Monsieur Kasonga Tshilunde – Président de l’Union Nationale de la Presse du Congo – félicite Caddy Adzuba pour son prix à l’occasion d’une cérémonie
UNDP in Europe and Central Asia: Kazakhstan tackles its electronic waste problem
UNICEF HQ: PHOTO OF THE WEEK: 22 September 2014
US Africa Command: IMG_7148 15thRGB, CPT Lauren McCaskill, MAJ Webb
FAOemergencies: Transfer of FAO hatchlings
US Africa Command: DSC_0651_edited-1
UNICEF HQ: PHOTO OF THE WEEK: 8 September 2014
DFID - UK Department for International Development: Cooperative members picking tomatoes
UNICEF HQ: PHOTO OF THE WEEK: 15 September 2014
WIPO | OMPI: WIPO Director General Meets Turkmenistan Foreign Affairs Minister
UN Migration: Humanitarian Policy Field-Based Country Visit
United Nations Development Programme: Social Good Summit 2014
UN Geneva: Geneva Peace Talks
MONUSCO: La Chorale de la MONUSCO à la Place des Evolués, entonne le chant de la Paix
Women's Forum for the Economy & Society: Women's Forum - NYC Chapter Launch
Tomasito.!: This Boy's Tale.
www.adamsonvisuals.com: oxfam-ghana-32
US Africa Command: DSC_0475_edited-1
Jan Herremans: Oxfam vintage
USAID Africa: Child in Mozambique
UNAMID Photo: Heavy rains in El Fasher