Joey DeVilla: The MacOS Half of "Shopify Toronto" (a.k.a. my home office)
Joey DeVilla: The Windows Half of "Shopify Toronto" (a.k.a. my home office)
Joey DeVilla: IMG_2357
Joey DeVilla: Shelves at "Shopify Toronto" (a.k.a. my home office)
Joey DeVilla: The Desks at "Shopify Toronto" (a.k.a. my home office)
Joey DeVilla: View of "Shopify Toronto" (a.k.a. my home office) from the Desks
Joey DeVilla: View of "Shopify Toronto" (a.k.a. my home office) from the Shelves
Joey DeVilla: View of "Shopify Toronto" (a.k.a. my home office) from the Doorway
Joey DeVilla: IMG_2351
Joey DeVilla: IMG_2350
Joey DeVilla: IMG_2349
Joey DeVilla: IMG_2348
Joey DeVilla: IMG_2347
Joey DeVilla: IMG_2346
Joey DeVilla: IMG_2345
Joey DeVilla: IMG_2344
Joey DeVilla: IMG_2343
Joey DeVilla: IMG_2342
Joey DeVilla: IMG_2341
Joey DeVilla: IMG_2340
Joey DeVilla: IMG_2339
Joey DeVilla: IMG_2338
Joey DeVilla: IMG_2292
Joey DeVilla: IMG_2209
Joey DeVilla: IMG_2208
Joey DeVilla: IMG_2207
Joey DeVilla: IMG_2143
Joey DeVilla: IMG_2133
Joey DeVilla: IMG_2117
Joey DeVilla: IMG_2116