*Abstrax: IMG_20130914_135841.jpg
*Abstrax: IMG_20130725_113255_20130725123018417
*Abstrax: Salsa Dancing
*Abstrax: Moreno_SM_City Alive
*Abstrax: Drown or Float?
*Abstrax: Dandelion in the Rain
*Abstrax: Differently
*Abstrax: Soaking up the Sun
*Abstrax: Wolf Waves
*Abstrax: wild white violet
*Abstrax: Spider!
*Abstrax: Trillium
*Abstrax: Wild WI Lilly
*Abstrax: Open Trillium
*Abstrax: Yellow Lilly at Hand
*Abstrax: Wild White Iris
*Abstrax: Wild Iris
*Abstrax: The ATV I drive :D
*Abstrax: Just Go
*Abstrax: Peace Tea
*Abstrax: 11 Keepers, Fishing
*Abstrax: White Lake Shore Line
*Abstrax: Wisconsin Chemtrails
*Abstrax: Lakefront Sunset
*Abstrax: Don't let the sun go down on me
*Abstrax: Sky match Water
*Abstrax: Loaded Panfish ;)~
*Abstrax: Big as my big hands :D
*Abstrax: Chem and Clouds at the waterfront
*Abstrax: Its my bobber ;)~