AbsoluteFolly: IC417_LPRO
AbsoluteFolly: SH2-157_SHO+RGBStars-2
AbsoluteFolly: NGC6188_HOO
AbsoluteFolly: Double Cluster in Perseus (NGC 869) - LRGBHa-2
AbsoluteFolly: Bubble Nebula (NGC 7635) -RGBHaOIII
AbsoluteFolly: L+Ha image of M81 (Bode's Galaxy) & M82 (The Cigar Galaxy) in Ursa Major
AbsoluteFolly: At the heart of IC 2944: Lambda Centauri Nebula (IC 2948) & Thackeray's Globules - SHO
AbsoluteFolly: 'Here be dragons'... - narrowband SHO
AbsoluteFolly: Fighting Dragons of Ara (NGC 6188) - LRGB
AbsoluteFolly: vdB 14, vdB 15 & SH2-202 in Camelopardalis
AbsoluteFolly: Thor's Helmet (NGC 2359) - SHO (RGB stars)
AbsoluteFolly: Wizard Nebula (NGC 7380) & surrounding region - SHO (RGB stars)
AbsoluteFolly: Pelican Nebula (IC 5070) - HaLRGB
AbsoluteFolly: Messier 78 (NGC 2068) - HaLRGB
AbsoluteFolly: Hind's Variable Nebula (NGC 1555) - LRGB
AbsoluteFolly: NGC 6729 (Caldwell 68) - LRGB
AbsoluteFolly: Tadpole Nebula (IC410) & NGC 1893 - SHO
AbsoluteFolly: Eta Carinae Nebula (NGC 3372) - LRGB
AbsoluteFolly: M51 - The Whirlpool Galaxy (NGC 5194) in Canes Venatici
AbsoluteFolly: M101 - Pinwheel Galaxy (RGB)
AbsoluteFolly: California Nebula (NGC 1499/Sh2-220) - SHO
AbsoluteFolly: Flaming Star Nebula (IC 405) - HaLRGB
AbsoluteFolly: M104 - Sombrero Galaxy (LRGB)
AbsoluteFolly: Central region of the Heart Nebula - SHO palette
AbsoluteFolly: Dolphin Head Nebula (SH2-308) in narrowband (HOO palette)
AbsoluteFolly: M20 - Trifid Nebula (NGC 6514) (RGB)
AbsoluteFolly: M86 (NGC 4406) & section of the Markarian's Chain - annotated
AbsoluteFolly: Waning Gibbous Moon (~81.8% illumination)
AbsoluteFolly: M17 - Omega Nebula (NGC 6618) in narrowband (SHO) with RGB stars and luminance
AbsoluteFolly: Caldwell 50 (NGC 2244) and the heart of the Rosette Nebula (narrowband HSS palette)