abmatic: "I bring you my kill."
abmatic: Cats + window.
abmatic: Bath time in the sun.
abmatic: Cat holiday.
abmatic: The best snuggle I've seen in a while.
abmatic: Getting acquainted with the new rug.
abmatic: Im having a hard time cutting out this pattern.
abmatic: Cat weekend.
abmatic: Caturday.
abmatic: Hunkered down.
abmatic: Spotted belly.
abmatic: Apollo.
abmatic: A two cat lap.
abmatic: Alert.
abmatic: And then the sun came out.
abmatic: Keeping watch.
abmatic: Not sunny today, but still a good day for window gazing.
abmatic: It's a pretty good caterday around here.
abmatic: Yawn...
abmatic: There be birds out there.
abmatic: Cat weekend.
abmatic: Post-bath dual-snuggle action that I missed this weekend. Photo by n.
abmatic: Two cat lap.
abmatic: Bath time.
abmatic: A nice set
abmatic: Too sleepy to resist a bath.
abmatic: Circle of cat snuggle.
abmatic: Even more cat snuggles.
abmatic: These two are killing me with the cuteness.
abmatic: Mid-day snuggle.