abmatic: The hike today was pretty. The smashed car window when we got back to the trail head not so much.
abmatic: Marching for science!
abmatic: Not bad Berkeley, not bad.
abmatic: For scale.
abmatic: Washing blocks.
abmatic: Two babies and a view.
abmatic: Red laminaria
abmatic: Binding decisions.
abmatic: Organizing hand me down notions.
abmatic: A corny candy corn.
abmatic: These two have a lot of shared interests.
abmatic: Serious puckering on my current project. Leave it be or try to fix it? And if fix, how??
abmatic: This guy sure liked khao man gai.
abmatic: It was a good 8 years! But it's finally time to move on...
abmatic: The until now never heard of it's it sighting in Seattle.
abmatic: Finished #collectionquilt. Hand quilted center, machine quilted border. Backed in flannel. Wedding gift, and not even a year late yet!
abmatic: Official glamour shot. #januaryquilt for Mr. F.
abmatic: Tight fit.
abmatic: I do miss this view.
abmatic: Summer has arrived.
abmatic: Window watchers.
abmatic: Worst caturday ever...
abmatic: Sharing the sunny spot.
abmatic: And the back.
abmatic: For Mr. F! #januaryquilt
abmatic: Slowly decorating the nursery... Piles of cats and foxes by @elingeling on the left, and bear from @factory43design on the right.
abmatic: Progress.
abmatic: It's porch season! Happy caturday from Apollo and Sol.
abmatic: Cutting on the sun porch. #januaryquilt
abmatic: Sunny snuggles.