Colleen AF Venable: The Dorklungars are Born (Part 1 of 2)
Colleen AF Venable: I like broken signs. I also like working out. The Broken Sign is *flexes* that way.
Colleen AF Venable: I tried to steal these tiles but they were attached to the floor and stuff. What jerks!
Colleen AF Venable: Yay! Progress in the Civil Rights Movement (and the war against zippers) continues!
Colleen AF Venable: Jess goes incognito
Colleen AF Venable: Jess is a master of disguise. Can you find her in this picture?
Colleen AF Venable: Eric Makes Out With the Table
Colleen AF Venable: Jess Fink Knows How to Sell Comics
Colleen AF Venable: Mini-Comics Convention Experiment Number 203 in Progress: How to Sell Comics
Colleen AF Venable: Hey Bernie's Kids! Look! He knows that lady who writes the books you think are cool now but will think are really uncool in a few years and then will think are cool again a few years after that! Yup. Your dad is pretty awesome.
Colleen AF Venable: Me and My Buddy Bernie from Alien Loves Predator, not Weekend At, Fame
Colleen AF Venable: I signed so many books. Was sold out by the end of the show! Craziness!
Colleen AF Venable: dooooooctoooooor mmmmmm
Colleen AF Venable: Chris Haley gets ready for the experience of a...well I guess a few months since we already ate a ton of Dr. Pepper beef jerky at STAPLE in March...but it was still awesome.
Colleen AF Venable: Carol's contribution to Leigh's Tin-Tin sketchbook.
Colleen AF Venable: Heeeey wait! You aren't Liz Baillie!
Colleen AF Venable: We're puuuurdy
Colleen AF Venable: Best Driveway Ever, Baltimore, near Atomic Books
Colleen AF Venable: Atomic Books
Colleen AF Venable: Atomic Books
Colleen AF Venable: Atomic Books
Colleen AF Venable: This Machine Calculates How Much Money You Will Lose On Handmaking Mini-Comics...or it's a toaster. One or the other I'm sure. (Found in the backroom of Atomic books)
Colleen AF Venable: Travis from 7X Done Won Hisself a Dorklungar!
Colleen AF Venable: Nerdlingers, Dorklungars, and Atomic Books
Colleen AF Venable: Travis Wins the First Dorklungar (Part 2 of 2)
Colleen AF Venable: Eugene, Rapper, Host, Worm-Dancer
Colleen AF Venable: Eugene and Jen, New Hosts of the Nerdlingers
Colleen AF Venable: First Lady of Awesome Holds Up Her Chosen First Lady of America