Colleen AF Venable: 2nd Puberty By Air Stream on the Way to SPX
Colleen AF Venable: 3rd Annual Nerdlingers at Atomic Books
Colleen AF Venable: 3rd Annual Nerdlingers at Atomic Books
Colleen AF Venable: Indy Comics Caravan
Colleen AF Venable: Marianne (Dramatically) Rides to SPX
Colleen AF Venable: It's Been So Long Since I Saw Jess and Eric They Grew These Amazing Beards!
Colleen AF Venable: And then Jess Died.
Colleen AF Venable: I cannot pronounce the name of this Maryland brewed beer, but it totally made me laugh enough to buy it
Colleen AF Venable: My SPX roomies at the local "Stuff-Your-Face"
Colleen AF Venable: I tried stealing Tyler's pants like four times, but he's too quick for me. They are AMAZING
Colleen AF Venable: Okay Obamalete is pretty funny...but they could have thought of a better McCain Canes? err nevermind
Colleen AF Venable: Nothing Like an Image of a Woman Barfing on a Child to Make You Want to Cure a Disease
Colleen AF Venable: Marianne and our mini-limo (fits in the palm of your hand!)
Colleen AF Venable: The SPX APE has learned our Language
Colleen AF Venable: "And I can use it to open glass envelopes"
Colleen AF Venable: Karaoke Karavan at SPX!
Colleen AF Venable: Terrifying Karaoke Visuals! For Fun! And Nightmares!
Colleen AF Venable: Super Tall Marianne Rocks Out!
Colleen AF Venable: The Tambourine MASTER...seriously Daryl was amazing!
Colleen AF Venable: Rocking Out in the Island of the Karaoke Misfits (aka a side room from the totally full REAL one)
Colleen AF Venable: Karaoke Karavan Room 2 Crew!
Colleen AF Venable: Maris Sings While Robin Stealthily Harmonizes!
Colleen AF Venable: Tiny Dancer
Colleen AF Venable: "Hold Me Closer Tony Daaanza!"
Colleen AF Venable: Marianne Prays to the Gods of Kare-e-oke
Colleen AF Venable: And then we all stopped singing to watch an awesome movies about sheep and sailboating!
Colleen AF Venable: When Sheep Attack
Colleen AF Venable: Chris's Karaoke Skills are Too Awesome To Be Captured on Film
Colleen AF Venable: Marianne and Ed at Karaoke
Colleen AF Venable: Basking in the Glow of the Awesome