Colleen AF Venable: I couldn't resist an action ape shot
Colleen AF Venable: The SPX Karaoke Crowd
Colleen AF Venable: That's Aaron's Arm, Magically Stealing Lightbulbs Across the Room
Colleen AF Venable: Another One of the Ignatz Crowd
Colleen AF Venable: The SPX Karaoke Crowd
Colleen AF Venable: This Picture Contains 7 of my Favorite Comic People in the World
Colleen AF Venable: Mystery Monkey for President!
Colleen AF Venable: Nick Translates...I believe this is when the gorilla was explaining how to churn butter
Colleen AF Venable: Not sure where it falls in the periodic table...
Colleen AF Venable: For just winning such a big award that monkey looks mighty perturbed
Colleen AF Venable: The Hotel Lamp
Colleen AF Venable: The SPX Karaoke Crowd
Colleen AF Venable: Muderous Nuns, Superheros, Zombies, and Lazers!
Colleen AF Venable: I Heart Mini-Comics
Colleen AF Venable: Men in Hats (most without)
Colleen AF Venable: The SPX Crowd With a Little Ape Thrown In
Colleen AF Venable: My new Awl...made with Stainless Pakistan
Colleen AF Venable: And then they sang a duet!
Colleen AF Venable: The funniest joke I heard all weekend is hiding in this picture
Colleen AF Venable: Nick Abadzis was HANDS-DOWN one of the coolest folks I met at this he is showing he is also a fan of HANDS-UP
Colleen AF Venable: Playing with Camera Settings and Giving Myself a High-FIve
Colleen AF Venable: DIE DOROTHY!
Colleen AF Venable: Katie Skelly: Hot Sexy Lady Who Started it All!
Colleen AF Venable: So good she made herself cry.
Colleen AF Venable: I love lamp
Colleen AF Venable: My Camera Couldn't Handle The Awesomeness of Pat
Colleen AF Venable: Totally Not Up to Anything...
Colleen AF Venable: Hunting Down the Gorilla after the Show
Colleen AF Venable: People might want to steal a money box, but no one wants to steal a booger box