notamax: +ebbre
_Bobi+Bobi: Isabel le cheval
notamax: leau-14x12
sofiabianca: Yeah, you can tell we're related #likefatherlikedaughter #radiatorhoggers
wakatetsu: Polar Bear
cathy cullis: interior with figure (pink rug)
Brecht Vandenbroucke *: DOUBLE TROUBLE
pictoplasma: Felt Mistress - live sculpting - Pictoplasma 2013 - photo Gülsüm Güler
pictoplasma: Billy - exhibition - Pictoplasma 2013 - photo Gülsüm Güler
pictoplasma: Jon Burgerman - exhibition - Pictoplasma 2013 - photo Gülsüm Güler
pictoplasma: Osian Efnisien and Andrea Wan - live painting - Pictoplasma 2013 - photo Gülsüm Güler
pictoplasma: Osian Efnisien - lecture - Pictoplasma 2013 - photo Andres Bucci
Camilla Engman: Memoire no 1
osian efnisien (Nyh): a toy duck not a real one.
notamax: ricerca-tattile-11.5x14.5
osian efnisien (Nyh): how to draw an elephant.
marin71: anita-icecream
cathy cullis: interior with figure
Elsita (Elsa Mora): Painted Box.
wakatetsu: Poetry of life
Elsita (Elsa Mora): Frida Kahlo doll. Detail.
Carolin Loebbert: LOST_Island34
Angela Dalinger: Porto2014 031
Julie Van Wezemael: textile project
Yedi Knight: drip drip