brecht.corbeel: 2024-12-23-062854_fluxUnchainedBySCG_fuT58x8E4m3fnV11_677612097304767_677612097304772 - a woman in a gold suit and boots
BMéje: Baby Cat
Singer 晴哥: 萬人迷 Heartthrob
Vincent_Ting: Watch your eyes...Haha
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 20131207DSC_9884_橫山
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 20140831DSC_4275_合歡山彩虹
wrc213: 石門星軌,-5℃,五小時的等待
tenz1225: 核光山
wei1881 TAIWAN: _MG_0671
Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel: Robberfly Macro
零零零 -: 20130618 Sunset Taoyuan County
nd-nʎ: Milky Way in Boston! (captioned)
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Hinode Views the 2012 Venus Transit
wrc213: 燭台雙嶼日環蝕
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Dark Matter Core Defies Explanation
bt1492: 石獅系列
flyyen: 滿地開花
Diógenes Araújo: Num passe de mágica
carnnie34: 員貝後山接圖
Heredero 3.0: Semana Del Corazón (Heart's Week) #1
衰尾道人 Do you know what is bad for you? Curiosity!