Abdullah Al Hashimi is proud 2 b Yemeni: Stop a second and think of your dreams
Abdullah Al Hashimi is proud 2 b Yemeni: You will always find light if you search
Abdullah Al Hashimi is proud 2 b Yemeni: No matter how dark it becomes the sun will always rise again.
Abdullah Al Hashimi is proud 2 b Yemeni: If we go to school to learn, and knowledge is power and power is corrupt and corruption is crime and crime doesn't pay then why the hell do we go to school?!
Abdullah Al Hashimi is proud 2 b Yemeni: Sana'a more than words can describe
Abdullah Al Hashimi is proud 2 b Yemeni: Pray , Read and ask for Forgiveness
Abdullah Al Hashimi is proud 2 b Yemeni: قال تعالى:{لا الشمس ينبغي لها أن تدرك القمر ولا الليل سابق النهار وكلٌّ في فلك يسبحون}
Abdullah Al Hashimi is proud 2 b Yemeni: Mystery of the Yemeni spices