Stephen Kacirek: A Valley Flooded
sjs61: On The Edge - Athabasca Falls
Julia Trotti: windowsill
Julia Trotti: cats in the kitchen
Julia Trotti: patterned sky
iffi's photography: The Flaming Drink
Chris Smith/Out of Chicago: Reaching to the Heavens
iffi's photography: Clouds floating over Sea of sky
iffi's photography: With Mickey :)
matt_frankel: Convocation
matt_frankel: Drowning
David Olkarny Photography: La simplicité est le principe de l'art
Chris Smith/Out of Chicago: Pritzker Fisheye
Brian Koprowski: Whiskey Summer
piechotka photography: The Bean | Cloud Gate Sculpture, Chicago
matt_frankel: Daybreak
Chris Smith/Out of Chicago: Baha'i Temple Through the Smoke
Julia Trotti: foxgloves
Julia Trotti: summertime blues
audreysimper: There's no escaping this world
Chris Smith/Out of Chicago: A View of Millennium Park
Stephen Kacirek: Harbinger
Stephen Kacirek: Descent Into Darkness
ElenaK@Chicago: Chicago reflections
matt_frankel: Wide open
piechotka photography: Chicago Skyline
sara kiesling: Emily Rudd