abbied: wake him up for dinner
abbied: Mountain Dew finally tuckers out
abbied: dirty Dew / stickfinder
abbied: the thinker & the stinker
abbied: la pensée sauvage
abbied: chin scratch
abbied: bogarting the dog toy
abbied: she's so good
abbied: guard cat
abbied: Dogter Pepper takes a snooze
abbied: Sleepy Smooshface
abbied: Yin & Yang
abbied: tuckered
abbied: Toby & his buddies
abbied: American Gentlemen
abbied: Toby goes on a picnic
abbied: Boudreaux under the picnic table
abbied: Tweeter & Jan
abbied: Pearl, 11 weeks
abbied: cafe terrier
abbied: Tobymonster chomps on a kale bone
abbied: my favorite creature
abbied: Dutch & his remora
abbied: Toberton goes to the octopoligist
abbied: guardian
abbied: lock and key
abbied: four dogs one treat
abbied: and now with the cat
abbied: love in the bunny pen
abbied: in the shade