abbied: Sophie
abbied: Isabella, postwinter
abbied: Mav, waiting outside
abbied: dream
abbied: vaginas are everywhere
abbied: 👌
abbied: heading in
abbied: some Wooden Boat action
abbied: fog & boats on the Port Townsend bay
abbied: Isabella in the 2016 summer season - photo by Ed Edwards
abbied: paloma, paloma
abbied: compass
abbied: diners
abbied: adoquines
abbied: San Juan
abbied: nieuw spelling
abbied: fake Tahitian tattoos upon some nurse porn - for a nurse that I know
abbied: ETIENNE!
abbied: the only Tahitian that ever got brought back to my place
abbied: Papeete colors
abbied: Amazone captains & crew - last day in Raiatea
abbied: 106, why am I drawn to your sign?
abbied: Papeete street scenes
abbied: restaurant Jimmy
abbied: another simple pleasure kind of day
abbied: words can't express the happiness that these women make me feel
abbied: a nice place to spend the day
abbied: back at the harbor
abbied: Sea Savon, oui s'il vous plaît
abbied: my gym & bathtub for 2 weeks