abaporu: dances with germans
abaporu: iphone vivisection
abaporu: ied trigger
abaporu: nokia detonator "01 call missed"
abaporu: Motoboys na folha de SP, 25 de Junho de 2007
abaporu: motoboys na folha de SP
abaporu: SL abaporu
abaporu: literarte
abaporu: abapuzzle
abaporu: slow day in Accra
abaporu: make it your own
abaporu: Payphone operator napping
abaporu: tigo partage
abaporu: re-mix your own abaporu
abaporu: manifesto antropofago
abaporu: Wofa's doorbell is a cell phone / Wofa's cell phone is a door bell
abaporu: abaporu dá uma volta na fronteira
abaporu: celular antropofago
abaporu: rickshaw-phones
abaporu: wheelchair payphone
abaporu: cycle-remixed
abaporu: MTN - 10 years of cellular freedom, p79
abaporu: lake victoria solar payphone
abaporu: i-TEL "POP" Station: mobile public phone
abaporu: i-TEL "POP" Station: mobile public phone
abaporu: First car-mounted radio-telephone:1924
abaporu: First car telephone: 1910
abaporu: First land based wireless mobile: 1901
abaporu: (not the first) horse phone: 1907
abaporu: fast connection