阿敗: Theatre #Hierapolis #Pamukkale #Turkey
阿敗: The Mediterranean sunset #Turkey #Kas
阿敗: BERBER (shaving salon) #Istanbul #Turkey
阿敗: 地下蓄水池 / Yerebatan Sarnici #Istanbul #Turkey
阿敗: Ayasofya Muzesi #Istanbul #Turkey
阿敗: Bosphorus #Istanbul #Turkey
阿敗: Yeni Camii #mosque #Istanbul #Turkey
阿敗: The start of Oriental Express: Sirkeci station. #oriental #express #sirkeci #railway #Istanbul #Turkey
阿敗: Old Turkish bath #Turkish #bath #Istanbul #Turkey
阿敗: Ihlara Valley #Cappadocia #Turkey
阿敗: Hot air balloon. It's AMAZING!! #Cappadocia #Turkey
阿敗: Hearty breakfast #Cappadocia #Turkey
阿敗: Cave house #Cappadocia #Turkey
阿敗: Sunrise in Cappadocia #Cappadocia #Turkey
阿敗: Freeway rest stop. #Turkey
阿敗: Food vendor #Turkey
阿敗: Keep moving #Denizli #Otogar #Turkey
阿敗: #Antalya #Turkey
阿敗: #Turkey
阿敗: On the road. #Turkey
阿敗: 棉堡 #Pamukkale #Turkey
阿敗: #Hierapolis #Pamukkale #Turkey
阿敗: Theatre #Hierapolis #Pamukkale #Turkey
阿敗: Turkish coffee #Turkey
阿敗: Fried egg
阿敗: Turkish Breakfast #Turkey #Kas
阿敗: Waterpipe #Turkey
阿敗: 伊斯坦堡的天空 #Istanbul
阿敗: In the Dubai airport
阿敗: Transport #Dubai