Maureen Bond:
Like our human souls the forest is a place of hidden meanings and unrevealed secrets where half remembered dreams emerge and dissolve like dust motes in the filtered sunlight.
Maureen Bond:
Sunset Lake
Markus Lehr:
Duisburg, Germany
Around the Block
real00 [pause on posting]:
Mindaugas Buivydas:
from the series "searching for the spirit of spring"
P3050909B Urban space
in the green cathedral
Loïc Lagarde:
Shirakawa-go village in Japan under snow in winter
kur nykštukai gyvena:
who lives in the shadows
kur nykštukai gyvena:
leave the road. take the trails
Mindaugas Buivydas:
from the series "postcards from the emptiness"
Mindaugas Buivydas:
from the series "don't break the silence"