Aaron Licht:
LoneTreeHill_Panorama (Nov 2020)
Aaron Licht:
Summit Sun
Aaron Licht:
Robert J Porter Park
Aaron Licht:
Lone Tree Hill namesake
Aaron Licht:
Gonzales rockface, with legs
Aaron Licht:
Rockflowers in East Sooke
Aaron Licht:
East Sooke Jumble
Aaron Licht:
Copper Beech leaves & Garry Oak bark in Stadacona park
Aaron Licht:
Dallas Rd Oceanfront (Clover Point) at sunset
Aaron Licht:
Bikes in the Bushes (lochside trail)
Aaron Licht:
Gonzales Glance
Aaron Licht:
Gonzales water rocks log
Aaron Licht:
Cattle Point (03_20)
Aaron Licht:
Francis King up a tree
Aaron Licht:
Ross Bay Cemetery, framed
Aaron Licht:
Rainbow ocean reflection
Aaron Licht:
In my Father's Veracruz t-shirt
Aaron Licht:
Bamfield Splash (06_20)
Aaron Licht:
East Sooke (11_20)
Aaron Licht:
Goldstream (05_20)
Aaron Licht:
Beacon Hill Picnic
Aaron Licht:
Gonzales Bay @ Golden Hour (12_20)
Aaron Licht:
Swan Lake frozen edges
Aaron Licht:
Francis King (10_20) trees
Aaron Licht:
Gonzales Oceanfront Sunset (06_20)
Aaron Licht:
Francis King (Jan 07_21) 003
Aaron Licht:
Francis King (Jan 07_21) 009
Aaron Licht:
Francis King (Jan 07_21) 020-2