AaronGibbons: Painted Steel, 50in x 30in
AaronGibbons: 28379_427812381752_1255792_n
AaronGibbons: HMSRedC-0013
AaronGibbons: BlueTeapot 2010
AaronGibbons: backpack resized
AaronGibbons: GibbonsAJ3
AaronGibbons: GibbonsAJ1b
AaronGibbons: GibbonsAJ1a
AaronGibbons: chipped paint 8x8
AaronGibbons: from above, 8x8
AaronGibbons: best wood
AaronGibbons: P4197793
AaronGibbons: P4197790
AaronGibbons: forged and weathered steel
AaronGibbons: forged and weathered steel
AaronGibbons: best wood
AaronGibbons: bent wood
AaronGibbons: bent wood
AaronGibbons: monoprint
AaronGibbons: monoprint
AaronGibbons: monoprint
AaronGibbons: Linkage, 2011 weathered steel
AaronGibbons: winston salem abstracted
AaronGibbons: Pilot mtn Abstracted
AaronGibbons: Old Paint digital photography
AaronGibbons: Moth Wing digital photography 2010
AaronGibbons: Pilot Mtn Landscape, acrylic 2012
AaronGibbons: linkage
AaronGibbons: Self Portrait, Pencil on tone paper, 36in x 48in
AaronGibbons: specular light / specular surface