Lars M Johnsson: White-throated Dipper / Strömstare
Veronique Stewart: Black Stork, first time seeing this Stork, our lucky day to pick the right spot to stop before they flew off as they were very skittish.Horta da Nora, Castro Verde, Portugal.
Veronique Stewart: Great Bustards ( our lucky day we finally spotted them on our journey back) wonderful sight, Alentejo, Portugal..
Veronique Stewart: Little Owl (finally spotted his observation post), Alvor Marshes.
Veronique Stewart: Black-winged Stilt, Lefkada.
Veronique Stewart: Frivolous flamingoes, Algarve
Gamergull: Gull Conversation
Shiny Piplup: Neofinetia (Vanda) falcata var. Amami
bernard.bonifassi: Moro sphinx
Carmelo DG: DSC00161-001.
bernard.bonifassi: Le flambé
polepenhollow: Orley Ray Courtney, Henderson Motorcycle 1930 ?
bernard.bonifassi: Tabac d'Espagne
wolfgang.kynast: Schmeißfliege / Blowfly (Calliphoridae)
niceflying: Sky over the ville
Giuseppe_Chirico: Graureiher, Grey Heron
shutterfish: Precis Coenia : Hickory Butterflys
Aitor Ibargutxi Elizburu: Hayas / Pagoak
The little Green Lady: Garden visitor.
alphaknipsa: Minolta AF 100mm F2.8 Macro
Kutub Uddin...: Bug with Droplet
E S M Photography: Caribbean Dove in the morning.
Chrissie2003: Calendula
Emmanuel Fauré: Plateau des Millevaches
André Kuipers: Het schijnt dat sommige mensen niet geloven dat Artis de Marsis echt in het ruimtestation is. Dus wel!
brigeham34: Derrière la fenêtre
Hammerchewer: Tricolor Heron