rogvon: No parking. No working. It's Friday.
rogvon: Yes, shooting with a Seagull is a bit pedestrian ...
rogvon: Transformation ....
rogvon: You can tell I'm missing Tokyo right?
rogvon: Riddle : Why did the Bokeh Man cross the road?
rogvon: Audi Ultra in the Docks of Bokehistan
rogvon: It's Back to Bokeh!
rogvon: Leica M9 @ The Strand, Sydney
rogvon: The bus stops here... after it rolls over me of course...
rogvon: A happy song for 2012
rogvon: Hats in Bokehistan
rogvon: Crossroads
rogvon: Just a face in the crowd
rogvon: Pontocho Walkers
rogvon: Puffing his way into the Dragon year
rogvon: I love bokeh. Can you tell?
rogvon: The three towers of earthly pleasures
rogvon: TLR means Twin Lemon Reflex?
rogvon: Transition
rogvon: Welcome to the Emerald City
rogvon: Shinjyuku Warmhole
rogvon: Tokyo RainTown
rogvon: Doggone Bokeh
rogvon: I finally found you...
rogvon: Junction 00
rogvon: Walk this way!
rogvon: Bokeh rider
rogvon: The Madness of Being
rogvon: Three Star Bokeh
rogvon: Postcard from Bokehistan 3