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albums of Aalto University Media Factory
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Anna's photos
Aalto + Hunan University Event
Art and tech: Happy ever after -exhibition
Art and Tech: Nightmare Before Christmas Exhibition Dec 2013
Robotin kesäleiri - Robot summer camp for kids in the Aalto Fablab
Internet of things lecture series 2013
Aalto Fablab
Kuvia Aallon viestinnälle
PACK-AGE 2013 lectures
PACK-AGE 2013 closing show
Warehouse tech exhibition
Aalto on the Move exhibition goes Design Factory
In Spaces exhibition in AMF Gallery
AMF kitchen tv promo material
Nooa & Ofelia exhibition by Helmi Kajaste
DOM research symposium March 2013
Researchers breakfast Jan 2013
"Altered states" Media art installation exhibition
Phoneme and Image exhibition
Wearable electronics course presentations 2011
AMG gallery Finland in Eye and Lens
AMF gallery opening
Wearable technology course 2012
fablab devices
AMF opening party 2011
AMF auditorium photos
Wearable electronics course 2011-2012
Cumulus 2012 general assembly
Aalto Fablab launch party 15th June
Pack-age gala
Arts and tech
Photos from the EDII co-design workshop
Posters: 3A How to valorize design "made in Europe"
Posters: 2B Design competencies
Posters: 2A Design research
Posters: 1D User-driven design for public sector + society
Posters: 1C SME innovation
Posters: 1B Education / Better decision makers
Posters: 1A Positioning design within innovation system
Human Design or Evolution? lecture series and workshops
ADC and OKF meetup #1
Media Factory space
Computational Photography seminar, Pixelache 2011
Muu gallery opening, Pixelache 2011
'Return of the Unexpected - Computational Photography' exhibition in Muu Gallery
Pixelache 2011 Helsinki Festival
Encoded Views course exhibition, Pixelache 2011
MediaBizLab seminar
Printlab, Taik