ORION_brick: Shift Change at Pier 3
pareeerica: * The Forgotten Aquarium *
Greg Tee: TAS_1828
andre govia.: The freak house
andre govia.: I live alone
Zsaj: Warm winter's night
YULIA♥ M: vitamin C
saddleworthshindigs: Vintage Books
JS "The wanderer": Butterfly Pea flower 02
untidy souls: Rêves de jardin
Jacky Parker Photography: Forget Me Not Lady
Skeletalmess: Night Shift
murphyeppoon: seasqure2
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center: Pre-Winter Storm, Southwestern Australia (NASA, International Space Station, 03/29/14)
Jacky Parker Photography: Anemone blanda
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center: Sunlit Side of the Planet Mercury (NASA, MESSENGER, 10/02/13)
dog ma: I'm all ears.
Swaranjeet: The Great God (Mahadev) adjusts his head-band - IMG_8041-November 16, 2014
dog ma: "It's impossible to keep a straight face in the presence of a puppy."