yi-ting chen: 阿ㄏㄠ`博士
yi-ting chen: 溫欸泳泉老師
osk038: 電影 · 同學會 · 馬來西亞 · 太平 · Malaysia · Taiping
pkomo: 3567
pkomo: 5989
Tavepong Pratoomwong: MIB Neutralizer flash
avant1997: 口湖 Kohou,Taiwan
avant1997: 大城,2014
Tavepong Pratoomwong: Shaolin Bangkok
thd44: splitted reality
thd44: shades of grey
thd44: a dream of shelter (2)
Dan Szpara: Twins, Hamamatsucho Station
Mankichi Shinshi: Seoul, Korea / Aug. 13th, 2014
pkomo: 5423
sealiu: 000041830023
sealiu: 50560030
poi_so_mnoi: 'seen in light, shot'-II #selfieschool #moscow #streetphotography #bw #shadowplay
osk038: 16夏