SATOKI NAGATA: Wabash Avenue, Chicago 2013
yu+ichiro: a dim memory
yu+ichiro: 霧ヶ峰
Suguru Nishioka: Underwater Nightmare before Christmas
Debbie Hickey: Grainne & Jen
troutfactory: peko peko peko
SATOKI NAGATA: Michigan Avenue, Chicago 2014
YuukiSato: Summer night
troutfactory: fashion
yu+ichiro: Gate
JT◕muse: Fountain Pen
YuukiSato: We'll arrive at Niigata soon.
SATOKI NAGATA: Lights in Chicago 2014
yu+ichiro: her border
Suguru Nishioka: Muddy Café Orange
YuukiSato: Lunch box shop at night
JT◕muse: Goodbye 2013..thanks for the wonderful year!
troutfactory: meat head
troutfactory: the hand that touched the hand of the hand that touched the hand of Edgar Allan Poe's great grandniece's pet strudle
JT◕muse: Friend meet friend
JT◕muse: T-shirt Stories
JT◕muse: Morning
AdamJen: Sierra Mountains
SATOKI NAGATA: Rain Storm, Michigan Avenue, Chicago 2013
Koony92: 金魚
schaft9: FUJIFILM: Fujinon XF 27mm f/2.8 Lens test