☽Moon~Goddess~Earth☾: | just the right setting to start my day |
Olga Kruglova: rain in forest
travelbug365: Our Honeymoon hotel
modernromance: reflect the tree
Jonny Whitlam: Falling Snow
yanita_07: DSCN7091
☽Moon~Goddess~Earth☾: 1/2 inch of snow thru our window
ravera: bl
☽Moon~Goddess~Earth☾: sunshine breakfast
☽Moon~Goddess~Earth☾: blue afternoons
pilli pilli: the wind that brings the barley...
o l y:  
litla: ... dreamed of you and me on a sunny day.
Stefano Belvisi: Ag. Theodori church
Stefano Belvisi: Ag. Theodori church
☽Moon~Goddess~Earth☾: healthy breakfast
☽Moon~Goddess~Earth☾: lavender dreams | cropped
Sora Kodo: Untitled
Takeshi Kawai: Hydrangea : アジサイ #4
david_pics: Poppy field