Durty.Bird: 20160327_181156(1)
Durty.Bird: My beautiful soul mate, Chase Mcgee
Durty.Bird: Taken with my crappy phone.
Durty.Bird: The Boss
Durty.Bird: And Lilly Smiles...
Durty.Bird: A sons love
Durty.Bird: Good morning world.
Durty.Bird: Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?
Durty.Bird: Chase aka Booger
Durty.Bird: Sweet Shuga
Durty.Bird: Two of my favorite girls.
Durty.Bird: The sky cried
Durty.Bird: Natures little happies!
Durty.Bird: Flutterby
Durty.Bird: Mother Hen & Chicks
Durty.Bird: Candy Cane Rose
Durty.Bird: Honeysuckle
Durty.Bird: ID help?
Durty.Bird: Bearded Iris
Durty.Bird: Honeysuckle
Durty.Bird: Proud To Be An American!
Durty.Bird: Hi Ya Neighbor!
Durty.Bird: Shuga
Durty.Bird: Brown-headed Cowbird, male (Molothrus ater)
Durty.Bird: Brown-headed Cowbird, female (Molothrus ater)
Durty.Bird: Brown-headed Cowbird, female (Molothrus ater)
Durty.Bird: Feed Me Please!
Durty.Bird: Hello!
Durty.Bird: This Photogs Favorite Moth!
Durty.Bird: This Photogs Favorite Bee!