pauletto: 2021-05-22_10-25-50
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pauletto: Evelyn and me
pauletto: Me and my buddy Kieran
pauletto: Bundschuh great- grandparents, 1930's
pauletto: "Arrival of S.S. Normandie in New York, 6/3/35" From my maternal grandfather's cigar box of photos and autographs. Love everything about this.
pauletto: Great-grandma Bundschuh with a magnolia, 1930's
pauletto: Describing a cast iron façade, talking to Jentrify.
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pauletto: Monday
pauletto: Monday
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pauletto: 23° Fahrenheit. Feels like 8°.
pauletto: I love this. @Regrann from @panospictures - Photo by Vlad Sokhin @lens_pacific: Witchdoctor/traditional healer Julio Sardinha Janico, 50, performs a spiritual healing ceremony of taking pain from the body of his patient. He burned a mixture of drug pla
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pauletto: Fantasies of Christmas Roman Glamazons in the clouds.
pauletto: A penguin with a black velvet bow tie and glasses. Taxidermy is all the rage in the Saks windows, Christmas 2015. If you like that sort of thing. This penguin looks like it's been in the back of someone's closet in New Haven since 1912. This is also th
pauletto: Back in the corn crib...
pauletto: Looking over the Shenandoah
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pauletto: Bill and Wes, Thanksgiving
pauletto: Walking home.
pauletto: Sunrise
pauletto: Pacific Sunset, Shoreline Highway, Sunday, November 15, 2015
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