Manly's Mix: IMG_0255a Mantid Wtrmk
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Edward's Atlas Moth, male (Archaeoattacus edwardsii, Saturniidae)
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Edward's Atlas Moth, male (Archaeoattacus edwardsii, Saturniidae)
Antonio Giudici The Tithonus Birdwing - Papilionidae, Papilioninae: Ornithoptera tithonus misresiana
Ko Min, Chuang: 3 Legged Thing Eclipse Leo Tripod
Ralf Bauer Sportfotografie: Caribena versicolor
Isaac Chiu_TW: Avicularia
Manly's Mix: _M7_2208a Common Loon Wtrmk
Manly's Mix: _M7_1705a Poecilotheria ornata Wtrmk
Tunedbeat: Redslate ornamental Ducati Streetfighter V4S
angelo.urracci: Chiesa di Sant'Efisio a Nora
angelo.urracci: Las Plassas
nickybay: Macro Highlights - The Best of 2020
Steven Smith!: Top of the Superstitions mountains Working on my new macro studio for 2019
Pixie body: Lost in the city
lilewis: Kiss me, you fool!
lilewis: FLEA
lilewis: You looking at me?
lilewis: The take-off
Manly's Mix: IMG_4377a Phidippus borealis Wtrmk
Saul G.: Salty Chaos Triops australiensis "Queensland" Eyes 6x Omothymus schioedtei (Thorell, 1891), 6,2x Ocular tubercle
N8 M.: Medieval Me
N8 M.: A Walk Along a Forest Road
N8 M.: Thanks for 200 followers!