susanking0517: long exposure
lucianafs: Quarto
ana.ana.ana: by DIY redscale film Fuiji superia 200
coore: img0002
GTZ*: Hahaaa!
ShelSerkin: Fake Plastic Trees
GymeeDee: Shetland Ponies on a Winters Day.
GymeeDee: Shetland Ponies on a Winters Day.
A.D. Loucks: Lomo-Dial
Fl:ckrnauta: Military zone
FeeMail: First b/w Diana F+ film
Fendercaster: In The Sun
J.Sod: Eagle
defiant_edifice: ghost beneath the bridge
-Cementerial: holgalove
rahuldlucca: Glass Ceiling, detail, Basílica of Jose, Anzoategui, Venezuela
Leatherheart ✂: techno-pantheism