_JFR_: 02176 Eating breakfast in camp at PCT mile 768 - I only had 12 miles to hike that day, to approach Forester Pass
_JFR_: 02182 Back on the Pacific Crest Trail after climbing Whitney, although this is also the John Muir Trail, too
_JFR_: 02190 Video of me singing the In-and-Out Burger song with modified wording for the Pacific Crest Trail
_JFR_: 02196 Morning light and a shadow-selfie at beautiful Sandy Meadow, with the Kaweah Range off to the west
_JFR_: 02205 Zoomed-in macro view of a purple penstemon flower in Sandy Meadow at PCT mile 769
_JFR_: 02212 There are several water sources in Sandy Meadow and this is the most northerly one
_JFR_: 02215 The Pacific Crest Trail climbs up and over a saddle that I call Sandy Pass as it is near Sandy Meadow
_JFR_: 02224 The PCT descends and traverses a series of rocky moraine ridges left behind by past glaciation events
_JFR_: 02235 Mount Tyndall (14026 ft) is the dark, most distant peak right of center
_JFR_: 02236 Peakfinder Earth screenshot showing Mount Tyndall, and which peak matches the preceding photo
_JFR_: 02238 Zoomed-in view of Mount Tyndall (center) showing a similar shape, style, and talus-coating as Whitney
_JFR_: 02243 The Pacific Crest Trail descends into the Wallace Creek Valley before climbing up the other side
_JFR_: 02251 Wallace Creek crossing at PCT mile 771 - I decided to wade across in my Teva's and wash my feet
_JFR_: 02252 I wore my dusty socks in my sandals in order to wash them as I crossed Wallace Creek
_JFR_: 02254 GoPro video as I wade across Wallace Creek at Pacific Crest Trail mile 771
_JFR_: 02256 Wallace Creek is where the High Sierra Trail ends and meets the Pacific Crest Trail
_JFR_: 02257 I gave my socks extra rinsing and wringing in Wallace Creek as clouds of dust swirled downstream
_JFR_: 02260 I dried the socks on the gear loops of my Osprey Exos 58 backpack after putting on my clean pair
_JFR_: 02270 View west down the Wallace Creek valley where the High Sierra Trail descends into the Kern Trench
_JFR_: 02281 The Pacific Crest Trail crosses Wright Creek at mile 772 - the Far Out app mentioned a nearby log to use
_JFR_: 02286 GoPro video as I rock-hop and log-walk my way across Wright Creek on the Pacific Crest Trail
_JFR_: 02291 The dark peak right of center is Mount Williamson (14348 ft) the second-tallest California Fourteener
_JFR_: 02293 Peakfinder Earth Screenshot showing two California Fourteeners, Williamson and Tyndall
_JFR_: 02294 Mount Whitney was visible from the PCT north of Wallace Creek, according to Peakfinder Earth
_JFR_: 02295 Mount Whitney is the distant peak right of center with snow on the northern side
_JFR_: 02296 Zoomed-in view of Mount Whitney from the PCT near the Bighorn Plateau at mile 773
_JFR_: 02298 Rocky meadow as the Pacific Crest Trail ascends toward the Bighorn Plateau
_JFR_: 02310 It was high noon and the climb was hot as I made my way up to the Bighorn plateau on the PCT
_JFR_: 02327 There wasn't much vegetation as the Pacific Crest Trail arrived at the Bighorn Plateau at mile 774
_JFR_: 02329 Up at 11,400 feet elevation, the pond on the Bighorn Plateau was an oasis in a treeless plain