11969 I took the fast way to San Diego, on Highway 395, the Eastern Sierra Scenic Byway - Goodbye High Sierra!
11966 View of Owens Peak from Highway 395, near the road to Walker Pass where the PCT Sierra Section began
11964 Driving home on Highway 395 - here's the road to Kennedy Meadows South, but I didn't stop by this time
11960 View of Horseshoe Meadows Road from Lone Pine - I was there more than once this Summer
11959 Mount Whitney (right of center) - Yes, I climbed that beast (for the third time) back in July
11956 Driving home on Highway 395 - view west to Onion Valley where I left a resupply in July
11952 Driving south on Highway 395 - I was already at Mammoth Lakes by 7am! But I had no time to stop
11941 I arrived at Sonora Pass at first light and picked up my other bear canister - now all I had to do was drive
11939 Driving south to my second bear canister at Sonora Pass under the light of a full moon
11933 I really wanted to get home, so I woke up early at the motel in Truckee and blasted south to Echo Summit
11928 My motel room in Truckee - I was so happy to finally take a shower and shave my overgrown whiskers
11925 I booked a motel in Truckee two days ago, and I stopped to get burgers, fries, and a sub on the way
11921 I immediately changed into a clean set of clothes even though I still stank - Look at that filthy leg!
11917 My car at the Donner Pass trailhead - I completed the Pacific Crest Trail Sierra Section! 500 miles hiked!
11911 Vicki and I left my car in the shade of those pines, and it was good to see it after hiking so long
11904 I made it to the Pacific Crest Trailhead Parking Lot near Interstate 80 and Donner Pass - I could see my car!
11893 This is the trail sign I wanted to see - only half a mile left to reach my car at Donner Pass! Goodbye PCT!
11884 Hiking toward my car near I-80 - only a mile or two and I would be done with the PCT Sierra Section
11873 I thought it was the final climb, but no - the PCT always makes you go up and down and up and down
11854 Climbing up and over the saddle north of Donner Summit on the PCT - this was the final climb today
11852 View toward Donner Peak as the PCT climbed up the side of George R Stewart Peak (7339 ft)
11844 Donner Peak (8019 ft) with the old concrete snow sheds - the new train tunnel is deep underneath it
11841 Donner Lake beyond the Donner Summit Bridge on Highway 40 from the Pacific Crest Trail
11830 Zoomed-in view of a now-defunct snow shed where the old railroad went over Donner Summit