0033 Zoomed-in shot of wily hatchery trout in the Middle Fork Bishop Creek near North Lake Road
0048 I caught yet another hatchery Rainbow Trout, but in Lake Sabrina this time - that's the dam behind me
0051 Me with my Tenkara Fly Rod and polarized sunglasses on, looking for trout in Lake Sabrina
0064 We decided to spend the night in the Big Trees Campground along Bishop Creek and Highway 168
0068 Two Rainbow Trout swimming in the pot - Vicki boils them rather than frying, to save fuel
0071 After cooking and removing the many rib bones, Vicki had a fine serving of Rainbow Trout for dinner
0076 White Mountain Peak was across the Owens Valley in the haze as we headed north toward Lake Tahoe
0087 Red Mountain along Highway 395 north of Bishop, so unlike the usual gray High Sierra granite
0091 Mammoth Mountain, the Minarets, plus Banner and Ritter from Highway 395 near Mammoth Lakes
0102 Matterhorn Peak and the Sierra Crest were visible from Highway 395 north of Bridgeport
0109 We stopped for a visit at the Leavitt Meadows Trailhead over the West Walker River just to check it out
0113 Looking down into the West Walker River from the footbridge at the Leavitt Meadows Campground
0160 Close-up of some vibrant yellow wildflowers we found along the side of Highway 89 near Monitor Pass
0209 Now-closed marina at the Meeks Bay NFS Campground - I decided to try fly fishing there