010 We dropped off Vicki's car at the hike's terminus - the Mill Creek Picnic Area and Fire Station
018 We parked my car at the Cloudburst Summit trailhead parking lot on Highway 2 and started hiking from here
042 Looking north from the PCT over Cloudburst Canyon toward the Mojave Desert and Palmdale
052 This piece of the PCT was originally a paved road - possibly an earlier version of the Angeles Crest Highway
079 We had some lunch at Camp Glenwood and met with some PCT thru hikers - on the right is Snack Size
107 The Pacific Crest Trail and Silver Moccasin Trail travel together on this section west of Cloudburst Summit
123 It's Hot so Vicki uses our patented HikerSquirtz (TM) body cooling system to remain a Happy Hiker
144 Wooden Trail Sign for the Pacific Crest Trail and Silver Moccasin Trail near the Three Points Trailhead
157 We took a rest at the Three Points Trailhead and grabbed our water cache from its spot behind a tree stump
162 Hiking north on the PCT from the Three Points Trailhead while carrying two extra gallons of water