0197 We left the car in the Inspiration Point parking lot and got ready to backpack on the PCT near Blue Ridge Road
0200 The locked gate on East Blue Ridge Road 3N26 where we started our southbound hike on the Pacific Crest Trail
0212 Looking west toward Inspiration Point and Mount Baden-Powell from the PCT near Blue Ridge Road
0220 Vicki wearing her purple outfit (with goose down jacket) as we hike up Blue Ridge on the PCT
0249 Panorama view southwest from the PCT at Blue Ridge, Mount Baldy (left) and Baden-Powell (right)
0335 View of snow-topped Mount Baldy and the San Antonio Ridge, with Iron Mountain on the far right
0339 Cumulus clouds begin to form above Mount Baden-Powell as we stop to take a break in the sun on the PCT
0346 Workers are repairing one of the artificial ponds on Blue Ridge above the Mountain High Ski Area - it's deep!
0404 View of Pine Mountain, with Mt. Baldy and West Baldy still visible behind it, from the PCT on Blue Ridge