_JFR_: 010 Vicki and I ready to start our hike at the gate in Hauser Canyon after being dropped off by our daughter
_JFR_: 016 Shady Oaks in Hauser Canyon
_JFR_: 029 Big beautiful oak in Hauser Canyon
_JFR_: 038 Hiking down Hauser Canyon Road, with Morena Butte just beginning to show up in the distance
_JFR_: 051 In this wet Spring of 2017 there was still a small waterfall cascading down a granite cliff in Hauser Canyon
_JFR_: 054 Video of a small waterfall in Hauser Canyon
_JFR_: 055 Water crossing Hauser Canyon Road
_JFR_: 068 Morena Butte from Hauser Canyon Road
_JFR_: 076 We begin climbing up out of Hauser Canyon on the PCT at mile 16
_JFR_: 079 Yellow flowers and Morena Butte from the PCT in Hauser Canyon
_JFR_: 087 Panorama video from the PCT near mile 16 in Hauser Canyon
_JFR_: 091 Looking back up Hauser Canyon from the PCT toward where we started hiking earlier
_JFR_: 094 You can see the PCT across the way as it descends into Hauser Canyon
_JFR_: 106 Lupine with fuzzy leaves - we saw several of these odd lupines
_JFR_: 114 Indian Paintbrush on the PCT
_JFR_: 119 Wild Onion flowers by the side of the PCT
_JFR_: 127 Horny Toad (Horned Lizard) just sitting there in the middle of the trail - on the PCT in Hauser Canyon
_JFR_: 136 Climbing up out of Hauser Canyon toward Morena Butte
_JFR_: 148 Zoomed-in view looking west down the canyon, with Barrett Lake and Lyons Peak
_JFR_: 149 Taking a break after the long climb out of Hauser Canyon
_JFR_: 151 Panorama view west down Hauser Canyon with Morena Butte on the right
_JFR_: 155 Flower and purple pea pods on the PCT
_JFR_: 165 We reach the saddle and the intersection with the Morena Butte Trail
_JFR_: 167 The PCT continues north over rolling ground, with the Morena Valley just beyond that ridge
_JFR_: 178 Vivid blue Lilac flowers on this ceanothus plant
_JFR_: 181 An odd low leafy plant with heavy downward-facing flowers
_JFR_: 184 Tiny yellow oak flowers ready to bloom
_JFR_: 186 An overhanging roof feature on the east side of Morena Butte
_JFR_: 203 Looking west toward Morena Butte from the PCT
_JFR_: 219 Flowers from a century plant along the PCT