_BuBBy_: Back of Box
_BuBBy_: Other Side Of Box
_BuBBy_: Front of box
_BuBBy_: Larry Bird is one strange Mofo
_BuBBy_: The TRHH Toast Trophy
_BuBBy_: Bottom Label
_BuBBy_: Top Foam Removed
_BuBBy_: Side Flap
_BuBBy_: Inside flap
_BuBBy_: Foam Removed
_BuBBy_: The Box Arrives
_BuBBy_: The Trophy Dines at an Indian Resturant
_BuBBy_: Trophy Theodore Roosevelt Island
_BuBBy_: Trophy Theodore Roosevelt Island
_BuBBy_: Theodore Roosevelt Island
_BuBBy_: TRHH Trophy with Hendrick Dirty Martini
_BuBBy_: TRHH Trophy with Hendrick Dirty Martini
_BuBBy_: TRHH Toastee Trophy
_BuBBy_: TRHH Toastee Trophy
_BuBBy_: TRHH Toastee Trophy
_BuBBy_: TRHH Toastee Trophy
_BuBBy_: TRHH Toastee Trophy
_BuBBy_: TRHH Toastee Trophy
_BuBBy_: TRHH Toastee Trophy
_BuBBy_: TRHH Toastee Trophy going to dinner
_BuBBy_: TRHH Toastee Trophy going to dinner
_BuBBy_: TRHH Toastee Trophy with Fillet Shrimp and Asparagus
_BuBBy_: TRHH Toastee Trophy with Fillet Shrimp and Asparagus
_BuBBy_: TRHH Toastee Trophy with Fillet Shrimp and Asparagus
_BuBBy_: TRHH Trophy with Scorpion and Salad