out beyond ideas:
no play
out beyond ideas:
nick =)
out beyond ideas:
"dude, i totally miss you..."
out beyond ideas:
lazy days. =)
out beyond ideas:
out beyond ideas:
out beyond ideas:
out beyond ideas:
upper lip frenulum
out beyond ideas:
8 [fresh] navel piercings; the final project!
out beyond ideas:
out beyond ideas:
septum, on my best friend
out beyond ideas:
my first tragi ever!!
out beyond ideas:
rook and conch; left ear.
out beyond ideas:
Rook, conch, and tragi; right ear, on same girl.
out beyond ideas:
out beyond ideas:
fresh nostril
out beyond ideas:
healed nostril
out beyond ideas:
just 4 for now. =)
out beyond ideas:
Purgatory Chasm.
out beyond ideas:
runaway train!
out beyond ideas:
Spencer, MA
out beyond ideas:
Purgatory Chasm.
out beyond ideas:
Spencer, MA
out beyond ideas:
Oxford, MA
out beyond ideas:
Oxford, MA