_jayme: Favourite Restaurant Name
Quotations: How I look at him
Quotations: I sleep in the middle of the bed.
Quotations: Heart
Quotations: Hourly
Quotations: Cool guy on a bike
Andrew Simpson: Nutrition 103
Quotations: Photographing angry children is my new favourite thing.
Quotations: Bauhaus
*Rebecca: After Jayme Had a Five Minute Fall
Adam Bognar: Sitting on the Porch
Adam Bognar: Into the Dust
Adam Bognar: The Woman
_jayme: best i could do
gompsy: Newborn son
_jayme: haha
_jayme: horrible portrait #1
katieholmes: Shoulder cat
Adam Bognar: Foggy Sunrise
amanda leigh theresa: self on concrete.
Pennyiscute: Popsicles Bitch
_jayme: AEC - Revolution 909
Adam Bognar: I asked her to paint the craziest thing she could think of
man2goat: The Kulics
Adam Bognar: Document it!
Becky Lloyd: sasquatch-00020