Luke Agbaimoni (last rounds): Waiting - Westminster
banzainetsurfer: Kyoto Taxi 京都のタクシー
The Italian Seeker: Venus in civitate abstracta
FotographyKS!: Thorn fence / Barbed wire with colorful bokeh background
CoMcFl: In Between
ivana.stojanovic: Shine on you crazy ladybug
ivana.stojanovic: Un po di tempo fa ⭐
ivana.stojanovic: Macro love
diana.agostini: Due di tanti
diana.agostini: La bella selvaggia
Lars Denker: on the sunny side
Antonio Iacobelli (Jacobson-2012): 🍝..maccarone! (...mi hai provocato?)
TCarro: Chica esperando el metro III
joachim hingler: No Ships there
Constantinos_A: A little sip of wine and the night is getting better already...
jjb film: Hell Gate Bridge Runner...