shortfin: upload
shortfin: Old tyme hockey
shortfin: Let's see if I survive tonight unscathed
shortfin: All done.
shortfin: not a job i would want...
shortfin: Takin' it to eleven
shortfin: And shake
shortfin: First and last ever Miller lite
shortfin: Took a few weeks off
shortfin: That's a mighty large box for a small tea pot...
shortfin: I bought new plates
shortfin: #noshowerselfie @j2sol ;-)
shortfin: Abandon all hope
shortfin: We do this to ourselves
shortfin: Is this what my life has come to?
shortfin: Poor footwear choice this weekend.
shortfin: tobacco island
shortfin: back to the grind
shortfin: trouble brewin'
shortfin: \m/
shortfin: I dun win someting
shortfin: Spencer
shortfin: lovely evening for a football game
shortfin: Durr.
shortfin: upload
shortfin: yeah, I think I've mastered steak
shortfin: fire in the sky
shortfin: beardy.
shortfin: pretty much perfect
shortfin: no bad place to be