Bellatrix.: A New Dawn.
Bellatrix.: Atlas
Bellatrix.: Evolutions
Bellatrix.: From Dusk till Dawn
Bellatrix.: “I don't want to stay in the bad place, where no one believes in silver linings or love or happy endings.”
Bellatrix.: Infinity
Bellatrix.: Model #2
Bellatrix.: Meteore - Greece
Bellatrix.: Light
Bellatrix.: Grey Day
Bellatrix.: Raindrops
Bellatrix.: #depression mode ON
Bellatrix.: What now?
Bellatrix.: HNY 2014!
Bellatrix.: I want to break free!
Bellatrix.: Take me everywhere..
Bellatrix.: Bokeh 2
Bellatrix.: Tears
Bellatrix.: Rainbow