Jerry Fryer: La Lumière du Soir Provençal - (numéro deux)
ricketdi: ***calliste rouverdin-Tangara gyrola- Bay-headed tanager
Phil's Pixels: Precious Peyto
Chrisnaton: morning phase
Mr.MinuteMan: My Wave
Pásztor András: Frozen bubble | Explored on 2017.02.12 | Thank you all!
marco.federmann: the great bank robbery - der große Banküberfall
mike-mojopin: Requiem
ant0191: A Long look at the Buttermere Tree.
Jeffrey Barry: Newport Street Gallery staircase
Mathulak: Le cap d'Agde
Konrad Lembcke: Garður, Iceland - May, 2016
norbert.r: Just yellow . . .
norbert.r: blühender Ahorn
norbert.r: Nearly There!
Stu Bo: stalking the dog...EXPLORE 10-22-2016
estiu87: windows and their shadows
efgepe: Sieben
lazytinka: Fly Like A Butterfly
_TAKATEN_: Mt. Fuji with sunset glow at Yamanakako-Lake
christina.marsh25: Autumn Leaves (Explored #106)
Enrico Boggia | Photography: #009 Matterhorn at sunrise | Explore
Walerija Weiser: Dead End
Sergi_Escribano: Loneliness