bps6162: If I stay very still, you won't see me... (In Explore)
bps6162: hairy woodpecker (Leuconotopicus villosus)
bps6162: columbine (Aquilegia vulgaris)
bps6162: postman butterfly
bps6162: merlin and prey (Falco columbarium)
bps6162: A trio of Candian geese
bps6162: the laughing cormorant
bps6162: painted lady butterfly on johny jump-up violet (in Explore)
bps6162: the take-off
bps6162: airborne
bps6162: the launch
bps6162: great blue heron
bps6162: A breeding adult great egret (Ardea alba)
bps6162: she likes to pose for the camera
bps6162: don't laugh at my feet
bps6162: piliated woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus)
bps6162: The aliens have landed
bps6162: owl butterfly (Caligo eurilochus)
bps6162: ball and glove