bps6162: great blue heron in flight
bps6162: king bird
bps6162: you forgot to fill the feeder, again
bps6162: nuthatch and catch
bps6162: On your mark, get ready, go!
bps6162: tufted titmouse on a redbud branch
bps6162: my better side
bps6162: What, you expect me to pose for bird seed? (in Explore)
bps6162: two mallards taking flight
bps6162: tossel-headed blue jay
bps6162: pileated woodpecker (female)
bps6162: male redwing among red buds
bps6162: sandhill crane
bps6162: bottoms up
bps6162: female mallard
bps6162: northern flickr (male, yellow streak)
bps6162: it begins again
bps6162: a couple of real turkeys
bps6162: starling
bps6162: northern cardinal
bps6162: nuthatch
bps6162: goldfinch
bps6162: male downy woodpecker
bps6162: male house finch
bps6162: female house finch
bps6162: love birds
bps6162: red bellied woodpecker
bps6162: another upsidedown nuthatch
bps6162: female downy woodpecker
bps6162: brown creeper