joehildreth: Solitary Sandpiper- Tygart Lake- 10-13-15
joehildreth: Least Sandpiper - Tygart Lake - 10-13-15
joehildreth: Tygart Lake Surf Scoters
joehildreth: #balance. I did not do this, but I think it's pretty neat.
joehildreth: #Woodburn Hall
joehildreth: I wasn't alone on the trail...
joehildreth: Cheat River south of Rowelsburg... Preston county, WV
joehildreth: Feather collection. Ideas?
joehildreth: Taylor county, WV
joehildreth: 4-05 WWSC
joehildreth: IMG_9707edit
joehildreth: IMG_9701edt
joehildreth: Frozen bubble
joehildreth: 3-17_gap_fillingcomet
joehildreth: timelapse 3-17
joehildreth: 3-17-15 Star trail
joehildreth: Dents Run covered bridge
joehildreth: Dents Run covered bridge - Monongalia county, WV
joehildreth: 391 second exposure
joehildreth: star trail 2 vid
joehildreth: star trail 2 combo
joehildreth: 1st star stack gap fill
joehildreth: star trail 2 gap fill cometedit
joehildreth: Mon river SW spin
joehildreth: coliseum SW spin landscape2
joehildreth: coliseum SW spin landscape
joehildreth: bridge SW spin
joehildreth: Tunnel spinning
joehildreth: bank tunnel SW spin1
joehildreth: cart 20 sec